Camden Rescue Mission, Inc. 

1634 s Broadway Camden, NJ 08104

             (856) 966-2495

​         FAX: (856) 361-7716

The Camden Rescue Mission, Inc. was found in 1928. It just celebrated it's 88th year serving the Camden County Community. The Camden Rescue Mission, inc. a 501 C#-community based organization at one time had a single goal to provide emergency overnight shelter, clothing, and food for those in need. However, the Mission had become more than that since 1989.

For the Past 27 years the Camden Rescue Mission has given out toys to needy children at Christmas.

We began 200 children in the community and that number is expanded to 10,000 children receiving toys at 


We, not only, serve Camden City, but we also serve the surrounding municipalities. Our toy drive begins in August and toys are given to children up to ages 14. Children are registered and receive tickets to attend the celebration, for many these toys are the only that will receive.

Our History 

Largest Christmas Celebration for Children